To configure Plesk's web server to show your custom error pages:

  1. Check whether custom error documents are enabled in website settings.
    1. On your Home page click Web Hosting Settings.
    2. Select the Custom Error Documents check box.
    3. Click OK.
  2. Click Virtual Directories (Web Directories) on your Home page. The Error Documents for the root directory will be used as the whole domain's error documents. If you want to customize error pages for a certain web directory, go to that directory.
  3. Click Error Documents tab and click the required error document in the list.
    • To use the default document provided by IIS for this error page, select Default in the Type menu.
    • To use a custom HTML document already located in the error_docs directory on a domain, select File in the Type menu and specify the file name in the Location field.
    • To use a custom HTML document located in directory other than error_docs on a domain, select URL in the Type menu and enter the path to your document in the Location field. The path should be relative to the virtual host root (that is, <vhosts>\<domain>\httpdocs).

      For example, you have created a file forbidden_403_1.html and saved it in the my_errors directory located in the httpdocs. To use this file as an error document, the following path should be entered in the Location filed: /my_errors/forbidden_403_1.html.

      Note. You can use both FTP and File Manager to upload your custom error document to the server. By default, all server error documents are stored in the /vhosts/ You cannot able to modify this. You need to upload files to a new directory ie. /my_errors

  4. Once the web server is restarted, it will start using your error documents.


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